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We specialise in conveyancing of both domestic and commercial property including leases for shops and offices.

We do like to see you personally, particularly before you sign any contract or lease which is legally binding. It is surprising how often a meeting will bring out a problem e.g. boundaries shown on plans do not correspond with what your inspection of the property has shown on the ground. We can get such problems sorted out before committing to a sale or a purchase.

We act for people buying and selling all over the country, but chiefly in South Manchester and Cheshire.

All conveyancing transactions are undertaken and/or supervised by one of the two partners within our firm, namely Nigel Glassey and Sheryl Stevenson; with the assistance of other members of our staff. You will be provided with details of the day to day case handler and supervising partner in our client care letter.

Nigel Glassey and Sheryl Stevenson have, collectively, over 80 years’ experience in delivering high quality work in all matters relating to conveyancing transactions.

We have other members of staff who may assist them but, regardless of who works on your matter, they will be directly supervised by either Nigel or Sheryl.

Property Purchase

Property Sale



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